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·Scientific Center of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance
·Order «Organization of Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russia of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance»
The Ministry of Health of the Russia

O R D E R   (prikaz)

9 February 2000   Moscow   #50

Organization of Scientific Center
of the Ministry of Health of the Russia
of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance

In order to develop a system of monitoring antimicrobial resistance I hereby require to:

  1. Organize on the functional basis of Smolensk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russia Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russia of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance (hereinafter referred to as Center).
  2. Rector of Smolensk State Medical Academy V.G. Pleshkov is to organize the work of the Center in accordance with the Provisions (see supplement).
    To entrust the Center with the fulfillment of the following tasks:
    • methodical-organizational work for monitoring antimicrobial resistance in the Russia
    • development of recommendations on rational antimicrobial chemotherapy for the Ministry of Health of the Russia, based on antimicrobial resistance patterns in various bacterial pathogens in different regions of Russia.
  3. Deputy Minister E.D. Dedkov is to supervise the fulfillment of the present order.

Minister     Y.L. Shevtchenko

to the Order of the Ministry
of Health of the Russia
from 9 February 2000

for Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russia of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance

1. General Provisions
1.1. Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russia of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance (hereinafter referred to as Center) is to be founded on the basis of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of Smolensk State Medical Academy.
1.2. The activity of the Center is to be guided by legislation of the Russia, the By-Laws of Smolensk State Medical Academy and the present Provisions.
1.3. The Head of the Center shall be appointed to and dismissed from the position by the rector of the Academy in agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Russia.
1.4. The Center shall carry out its activity in collaboration with other departments of the Academy.

2. The Main Activities of the Center
2.1. Planning, organization, coordination and implementation of antimicrobial resistance surveys in Russia.
2.2. Collection and analysis of data on antimicrobial resistance in community-acquired and nosocomial pathogens.

3. The Center has the right to
3.1. Establish a library of clinical strains (receipt of bacterial cultures from Russian regions).
3.2. Establish a library of reference strains including receipt of bacterial cultures from abroad.
3.3. Distribute such strains throughout the territory of the Russia and abroad in accordance with the objectives of the Center and in compliance with established rules.
3.4. Organize conferences, seminars, symposia on antimicrobial resistance.

4. The Center is to submit an annual activity report to the Department of Medical Scientific Research Institutions and the Department for Organization of Medical Aid.

Head, Department for Organization of Medical Aid A.A. Karpeev
Head, Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiology Surveillance A.A. Monissov
Head, Department of Medical Scientific Research Institutions S.B. Tkatchenko

Order «Organization of Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russia of Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance»
Дата публикации: 21-Дек-2001 | Просмотров: 12047 |Печатать текущую страницу Печатать все страницы

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