Posters from 48th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC 2008) (25-28 October 2008, Washington, DC):
- First report of the Escherichia coli co-producing CTX-M-15 ESBL and VIM-4 MBL in Russia
O. Shevchenko, M. Edelstein, S. Sidorenko, D. Mudrak, L. Ikryannikova, I. Alexandrova, R. Kozlov
In this study, we describe a resistance phenotype and β-lactamase context of the E. coli strain 55/1389 with decreased susceptibility to carbapenems that was isolated from a 26-year old female neurosurgery ICU patient with catheter-associated UTI in November 2006 in Moscow.
- Multicenter analytical study on investigating medical professionals’ perception about infection control (IC) in various wards of multidisciplinary hospitals in Russia
R.S. Kozlov, A.A. Fokin, D.V. Galkin, V.M. Mischenko, A.A. Muraviev, Mix study group
Prediction made by Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Federal Agency for Protection of Consumer Rights estimated that annual number of nosocomial infections (NI) in Russia is not less than 2–2.5 million cases with total annual costs more than 212 millions of USD.
The last modification date: 18 December 2008
ICAAC, interscience conference, antimicrobial agents, chemotherapy, posters |