Why lipstick could save your life: How a spot of lippy helps to improve your balance


Lipstick: A lifesaver?

It may infuriate their waiting husbands, but women who insist on applying make-up before going anywhere could be saving themselves from disaster.

Scientists have found that the ritual of applying lipstick and blusher acts as a type of stretching exercise which can improve balance and coordination.

This is particularly important for older women, for whom a fall can cause serious injury or even death. Each year, more than 700,000 people over 65 in the UK have to go to hospital after a fall.

Those who break a hip have a 20 per cent chance of dying within a year and falls are the leading cause of death for the over-75s.

The apparent benefits of make-up emerged from a study of 100 women from 65 to 85 at the University of St Etienne in France.

They were fitted with special insoles to test their centres of gravity and a belt to monitor their posture.

The researchers found that those who put on make-up every day had much better balance and posture, and suffered fewer falls.

Dr Patricia Pineau, who led the study, said: 'These women stood up straight and suffered fewer falls. They held themselves differently to those who did not wear make-up.'

Dr Pineau, director of research communications at the cosmetics company L'Oreal Group, added: 'It could help to prevent many debilitating falls.' The findings are to be presented at the World Congress of Gerontology in Paris. Last year, a study concluded that gentle yoga exercises can cut the risk of painful falls in old age.

Just two months of classes improved muscle strength, balance and flexibility, making falls and fractures less likely.

Women who took part in the programme of exercises, designed specifically for over-65s, also felt more confident, the U.S. research found.

Even if falls do not cause broken bones or head injuries, they can leave older people fearful and dependent on others for everyday chores.

One reason the elderly are most at risk is that the nerves most distant from the brain, such as in the foot, tend to decline in activity as part of the ageing process.

Damage from a fall is often made worse by underlying osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease.

Why lipstick could save your life: How a spot of lippy helps to improve your balance

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