Sepsis 2019

Sepsis 2019: New Successes, New Challenges

Abstract submission is now closed

A joint meeting with the Latin American Sepsis Institute

Sepsis 2019В is the ISF’s 14th annual Symposium. В Sepsis 2019 will be held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. В We are expecting an audience of 300 delegates from around the world for Sepsis 2019. В Past symposia have attracted delegates from more than 40 countries. В The official language will be English.

Sepsis 2019В willВ feature presentations by international experts, who will cover the most important topics of sepsis, spanning the spectrum from cutting edge basic science research to clinical aspects and trials.

Sepsis 2019В is an excellent opportunity to become up-to-date on everything that currently is going on in the field of sepsis! В In addition, there will be ample possibilities to present own scientific work and to informally interact with ISF council members during poster sessions.


Click Here to download Sepsis 2019 Rio 1st Announcement




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The Sepsis Annual Symposium

The Sepsis Annual Symposium is a unique meeting at which world experts address the diagnosis, epidemiology, science and clinical treatment of sepsis. В The faculty features international thought leaders from the fields of critical care, infectious diseases, internal medicine and surgery, who collectively have extensive expertise in the clinical care of patients with sepsis, the science and laboratoryВ investigationВ of sepsis and the host response to sepsis, and in the design, conduct and interpretation of clinical trials conducted to investigate the treatment of sepsis.

The Sepsis 2019 Symposium will focus on the science and clinical aspects of sepsis including a focus on antibiotic resistance, the management of the patient with sepsis and will include a comprehensive update on ongoing clinical trials and plus presentation of recent trial results.